Part of the Process: win with the Failure

It has taken me sometime to fully accept that  failure is necessary for true growth. 2020 was an intricate part of the process because we’ve had so much time to reflect. 

Here a bit of transparency…

I’ve been evicted from my home twice. Once with 3 young children in tow.  I had to hide 3 cars because they were going to repossess them. 2 of which were actually taken. I’ve been hit in the face and was suspected to have a fractured Zygomatic bone. I’ve been cheated on numerous times(some known). I’ve had SWAT and Narcotics run in my home with 2 toddlers and 8mths pregnant. There’s WAAAAY more(you’ll have to buy my book for the rest).  But one thing that hurts me more than any of those things was the year I wasn’t able to give my children a Christmas.  No worries, however! My co-workers/family came through in clutch. My children had the best Christmas ever to date. 

When I say I was broken, I was BROKEN.

But I wouldn’t be here without being  “there.” It was all a part of the process. Everything you do or have had done to you isn’t going to always work the way you want and that’s okay. Baby, it’s a part of the process. When you make the decision to no longer go through the BS and live a life that you deserve, that is when the Goddess you were destined to be is birthed. 

Now I’m asking you, are you ready to grow—in self love, self care, self confidence, and all things that make you YOU?

If you’re ready join my VIP Group 

Access to this group is ongoing, all you have to do is answer the questions and you are in. I’m excited to show others how I’ve grown from the darkness. I want you to let Melaninated Excellence be a part of your growth. You need to master self so you can start to live the life you want to live.

 ShRaAy, Maple and Nicholas were definitely driving forces that pushed me to get my life back well before the boutique but M.E. Boutique is important. It took somebody who was good and helped them to become greater. It also has helped me allow other people to become greater because they could learn from me.

Check out the group today. If it’s not for you no problem just let me know and we’ll remove you. That's it!

Talk to you soon!!


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